Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Well, I first want to start by introducing myself and telling you guys why I decided to start this food blog.  My name is morgan, I turned 21 this year and I love to cook.  I am graduating from Campbell University (a school in the middle of no where) in August and possibly moving to Philadelphia where I can get more than fast food and really bad italian for dinner.  I also have come to the conclusion that I could never go to culinary school due to the fact that I spill and drop about everything I touch when I'm cooking.  Nonetheless it always ends up being delicious....well most of the time anyway.  Instead of going to culinary school I decided to go to Campbell for Pharmacy school and well as soon as I realized I hated chemistry that was not a major foreseen in my future.  Then I switched over to Biology and it has been one of the greatest decisions I have ever made.  Although the program itself has made me want to rip my hair out and sometimes prefer to be on America's Most Wanted instead of studying the citric acid cycle, it has challenged me at my best (and worst).  Campbell while a small (VERY SMALL) school and in a southern (VERY SOUTHERN) town, it has charm in many areas and has been my home for the last four years.  Although I love my program and my teachers and friends....plain and simple no one around here knows anything about decent food.  Local grocery stores barely carry half the stuff I want to cook with.  SO...that is when I learned that I would have to cook ten times more than I usually do with limited options for lavish restaurants in none other than Buies Creek.  I am starting this blog because I have always admired other food bloggers and spend about half of my time on the internet drooling over lick your fingers worthy spicy rubbed pork tenderloin and ooey gooey delicious chocolate molten cakes and the hilarious commentary of other bloggers.  Then I realized that it was something I should do myself!  Taking summer classes in the middle of nowhere has its advantages to focus on school but every girl needs an outlet.  This blog will be mine.  Now I do have to tell you guys that I am in the process of being gluten free but that DOES NOT MEAN its disgusting food.  I can't promise every recipe I make will end up with a 5 star review but I will say that most of the gluten free food I make is mainly just lots of fresh vegetables and meats.  I try not to eat a lot of processed foods at this point at all anymore but I do crave chocolate and caramel...and ice cream...and cookies (ok I love sweets which are probably worse than general processed foods) BUT I do try to have as many healthy alternatives as possible.  This blog is not tailored to gluten free zombies but to everyone and I hope you all enjoy this blog.  Even if I only have one follower its one more than I had yesterday.  And please feel free to give me any ideas for recipes or things you could change about stuff that I make.  Cooking is supposed to be fun and its not an exact science (pun on my major).  Be creative get in the kitchen.  If you want tips please feel free to ask.  This is my relaxation.  I enjoy making people fat and happy and prefer to roll every person out of the door like a plump blueberry.  (willy wonka reference for any of those who didn't catch on).  I can't wait to start this new journey with you all!!! Let's EAT :)

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